Saturday, July 27, 2024
Will the current government be effective in controlling rising inflation? Written by Ashok Raina

Today, everyone knows how serious the ruling government is to listen to the people, who are struggling with rising inflation day by day, but what the people decide during the upcoming elections is a later matter.
At present, we can say that the lives of the poor people are facing difficulties and the government is not serious and it is clear that during the latest session held recently in the Parliament Hall of New Delhi, none of the members of parliament or public representatives raised any question or asked for any report from the government whether the poor and indigent people why is being pushed towards the world of inflation and how is less than 5 rupees of the item being sold in the markets for 10 rupees and under what circumstance pressure is being build upon the poor people are forced to be silent or calm.
The question that arises here is whether the government is taking sufficient measures to deal with the rising inflation across the country and why the government is neglecting to impose restrictions on the looting companies. To become fed up with the increasing rate due to which the people have become unemployed and bankrupt and while there is no momentary concern in the government which claims to call the budget presented as people-friendly, the poor people are seen rolling in the world of poverty. We don't have any data to show how the inflation is continuously increasing and the government is completely failing to impose restrictions.
If we take a look at the flea market or if we talk about the every item being sold in the market, then the rates written on it are inflated by the manufacturing company, which is always ten times higher than the original price and the companies recognize it in the market while already has kept good margin for the shopkeepers, who are selling at 20 times additional rate by chatting about GST. Although the top officials in the administration know everything, still there is no raid anywhere. It can be seen that either those companies directly or indirectly provide support to the government or make our representatives happy by making donations.
Today, the situation has become so complicated that the shopkeepers are already creating panic in the name of GST by confusing the public. If we talk about an egg, surely the poor hen is laying it with good intentions but how the shopkeepers manage to sell it at a profit of Rupees 7 to 10 is a remarkable price. Even a year ago, any food item which was sold for five rupees and now after a gap of only one year, how come it became rupees 10. However it becomes necessary for our representatives or parliamentarians to ask the present government in the central hall of the parliament about the present situation of price hike problem in Indian markets.
Trapped in the world of inflation, the public has become a victim of depression these days and the political officials will also continue to try to spread mutual hatred in order to incite the people away from the original issues.
**** (Written by Ashok Raina Editor of daily Northern Times)
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