Saturday, May 11, 2024
Editor of Northern times requesting mediation from media sources and appealing to all citizens of India to provide COOPERATION AND assistance.
Editor of Northern Times is appealing to all the citizens of the country to give all possible help and support.
I Ashok Raina the editor of daily northern times is requesting mediation from media sources and appealing to all citizens of India to provide cooperation and assistance.

Northern Times Editor is an uprooted journalist who is a victim of oppression and violence adopted by the Department of Information and Public Relations, Jammu and Kashmir. Due to the brutal tactics adopted, the helpless journalist is currently helpless and helpless for medical help. Editor of Northern Times is appealing to all the citizens of the country to give all possible help and support.

It is noteworthy that the editor of Northern Times had a passion for writing since his childhood and to enter the world of journalism, he studied in the field of literary journalism from the best educational institutes in the country and outside the country, and later, under the government scheme of earning self-employment, he sought permission from the Department of Information and Public Relations, Jammu and Kashmir to publish his newspaper to earn his livelihood for which said department issued a no-objection certificate, then how the editor of Northern Times and his family were tortured by the employees posted in the Department of Information and Broadcasting is shameful and painful act.

The editors of the Northern Times belong to the minority sect of the Kashmir Valley and during the initial period of unrest in the 1990s, they had to flee like the rest of the community. The editor of Northern Times knows the experience of being displaced from home. He is still haunted by the fear of spending countless nights on the streets.

Qualified several exams at the national level to get the employment avenues but the unfortunate point is that the Government of India has appointed those candidates who have never participated in these competitive exams. I have all the evidence and I am ready to give every document to the media and instead of earning a living I was forced to knock on the door of the courts.

It is sad and regrettable that the badly affected journalist turned to courts and investigative agencies, National Human Rights Commission, Press Council of India, State Governor and his Excellency the President of India for justice. Even after bringing orders in their favor several times, for unknown reasons all those orders were not implemented, only the concerned officers know very well.

All I know is that in order to promote and shelter the yellow journalism in the state , the employees of the Department of Information, and Public Relations, Jammu and Kashmir, have heated up the market of looting and sharing in exchange for advertising, and who have absolutely nothing to do with the profession of journalism being encouraged ,promoted for their vested interests.

Today, the world of journalism in Jammu and Kashmir is looking a little different and the picture has become so clear that the journalism of Jammu and Kashmir has become a joke at the international level. The special thing is that all the government employees who were posted in the Department of Information, Broadcasting and Public Relations of Jammu and Kashmir went away as elephants, but from behind, they ruined the lives of realistic journalists and messed up the world of journalism.

It has to be said with great regret and sadness that government employees and officials where from they received the corruption education. Even though they get good salaries, their views do not change and they realize the prosperous dream by doing illegal activities while keeping all the laws in check. They do not care about anyone's justice, nor do corrupt officers have any sign of humanity.

The Department of Information and Public Relations, Jammu and Kashmir is a department where there is a scandal worth crores of rupees in monthly supplement and distribution of advertisements on the basis of commission to blue eyed publications.

There are a number of state as well as central government employees running their publications against rule of law and looting the state Exchequer in the broad light with consent of employees of department of information and public Relations of jammu and Kashmir .

You will be astonished and get surprised when you will be aware about the work attitude of responsible officials posted in the Department of Information and Public Relations, Government of Jammu and Kashmir has adopted many tactics to far away me from the world of journalism under an organized conspiracy and restrained the victim journalist also to approach the judicial court so that they would not be veiled by removing the veil from their faces.

Due to fear, my mind was completely changed and leaving journalism, I looked for other means of earning stamp vendor and letter writing work for look after my family anyway but I was also stopped from selling stamps or writing and asked the victim journalist never be allowed because to take the bread and butter of local populace

While the fact is that in order to save the state of Jammu and Kashmir from the stench of yellow journalism, I tried my best to perform my services well by understanding the responsibilities, but the stench of corruption continues in the Department of Information and public Relations and finally found the Promotion and encouraged of yellow journalism against rule of law in the state.
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