Saturday, July 27, 2024
Every living creature ultimately has a mysterious life. How will we be able to sense this mysterious life created by nature and to follow and know this, many thoughts may definitely arise in our mind? We have read the story of Thirsty Crow many times, but we never tried to know more about the IQ of a black crow, nor did any teacher try teaching any lesson to the children in this regard. .
Although many experiments were done on rats and frogs, in my point of view the experiments did not really try to learn the things that they needed to know because every time it was seen that a teacher did not go out of the syllabus and curriculum. Therefore, we did not gain any knowledge about the mysterious life of rats, frogs and crows or all living organisms and I feel that we are not sufficiently expert to live well in parallel to other creatures of god passing the hours in a better way without advancement of science.
I have a lot of interest in knowing the mysterious life of all living organisms because how all living beings live their lives is a very beautiful scene which is the original form of nature. It is also, from my point of view, very important to know what we are compared to them.
When suddenly I met a very intelligent frog, about which I have already shown in a previous topic, according to which we need to study more and how much diversity there is in frogs and what are the qualities in them which teach us a lot. It is telling because frogs have a lot of information about all the creatures living in the sea, or ponds which are often stored and present in their brain.
This is unfortunate. that practice our teachers not got changed and till date have been teaching children only that which has been imprinted in their minds right from the primary schooling, like by writing or reciting the topic on cow and reiterating the resolve to fulfill the aim of completing the syllabus without moving some new on to the said topic further. We never try to find out why the qualities of a cow are naturally different from those of a horse or a donkey. If we try to learn this we can achieve a lot and would create a new subject in the future in the field of easy growing science environment.
Like the frog, one day I also met a crow who kept following me while I was walking in the morning and were, sitting on my shoulder and chirping and was stopping me to go ahead to walk on the road, and thus was saying something to me.
At first I was very scared of his crazy behavior but unfortunately I was not able to understand what he wanted to say to me and this thing is always troubling my mind even today and has developed into me the curiosity.
Crow is also an important bird in the universe and it has also been discussed in Ramcharitmanas. Actually, what we know is that the crow has been described as a clever crow. to quench its thirst with the help of pebbles from its beak or storytellers have written more about him with fox as well as on the, many works about him, but how does it fly and what are the characteristics of this bird? is an important to know exactly how it behaves differently in the world in parallel to other birds While crow is a symbol of species unity.and also inspires many birds nearby to fear attacks from other animals.
I closely observe the beautiful behavior of animals and birds. I love the creations of nature very much and there is a faith hidden inside me and every day I think about how I can bring new discoveries in front of you.
(Author of this Article is Ashok Raina Editor of daily Northern Times)

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