Saturday, April 27, 2024
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New Delhi 24 February (Ashok Raina)
Kashmiri vitstapit Sangrash samiti national party president Shiv Kumar Bhat expressed his shock and distress over the negative approach of present centre as well as state government towards the Kashmiri pandits the minority community of the state. Bhat alarm and warned that if both governments will not redress the grievances of the uprooted minority community should have to face the dire consequences during the next coming elections. Samiti president alleges that since the more than30 years have been passed but the minority community people are still struggling for a drop of water to thirst off. He further asserted that shameful act of presents governments is that both governments are not only dividing the people on religious lines but are also involved in to discriminate the people on religion facts.
In his statement to this press Mr. Bhat asks that word secularism for chapters in Indian constitution is make use of only in Kashmir for best part of the community and majority is being considered to addicted as minority by way of marginalized benefits to delight them at all the times whereas from the same region candidly minority people kashmiri pandits have been deprived in interest of vote ballot politics with every pains to disintegrate the state on Hindu-Muslim elementary approach. While has raised the finger about Muslim clerics for recently remarks for separate state hood Bhat said that if politicians encourages to adopt this theory in practical manner for promotion of their vote getting policy then India should have fully be prepared for an annihilation and other division. The circumstance approach will not lag behind for kashmiri Hindus to get their legitimate dues.
Kashmiri vistapit Sangarsh samiti national president appeals BJP government not to lose the hopes of thousand uprooted families of minority community the people of Kashmiri Hindus are do facing a lot of hardships at present across the state. He hopes that the present BJP led governments should not take away from their responsibilities to redress the burning issues of the minority community.
Bhat stress and urges upon the both state as well as centre government for an earlier enhancement of cash relief to end all those bad upshots do facing by the kashmiri pandit minority community due to price index higher up values in the market after come within reach of GST Act.
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